Capello denies Inter job talks

England manager Fabio Capello is one of the candidates for the Inter bench. “I haven't been keeping track of what's happening there.”

The former Juventus, Milan and Roma boss had already been linked with the position before Jose Mourinho's arrival and again last summer when Rafa Benitez was called in.

With Leonardo now taking over as director general of Paris Saint-Germain, Capello is back in the Nerazzurri frame.

England manager Fabio Capello is one of the candidates for the Inter bench. “I haven't been keeping track of what's happening there.”

The former Juventus, Milan and Roma boss had already been linked with the position before Jose Mourinho's arrival and again last summer when Rafa Benitez was called in.

With Leonardo now taking over as director general of Paris Saint-Germain, Capello is back in the Nerazzurri frame.

“I am on vacation in Marbella, spending time in the sun with my grandchildren,” he told Sky Sport Italia.

“I don't know what you're talking about. I haven't been keeping track of what's happening there, as my grandchildren are in charge of the television and they want to watch Walt Disney rather than sports news.

“As for Leonardo, everyone chooses what they think is the right path for their career and I respect those decisions. Besides, don't forget I was the one who brought Leonardo to Milan as a player.”

So far other candidates for the Inter bench include Sinisa Mihajlovic, Gian Piero Gasperini and Delio Rossi.