Finnish businessman Thomas Zilliacus says he will give an exclusive interview to a ‘leading Italian media outlet’, during which he will unveil his new plans for Inter, that he claims could bring the Champions League and Scudetto to San Siro ‘every year’.

Zilliacus has announced several plans to purchase Inter in recent years. As recently as February, he told the Manchester Evening News that he had formally submitted a €1.4 billion bid to buy out the Nerazzurri.

The Finnish entrepreneur has often used social media to announce his intentions to buy and improve results, infrastructure and engagement surrounding Inter as a club.

On Monday evening, Zilliacus announced he will soon speak to a media outlet in Italy where he will detail his latest plans for the San Siro giants.

Those plans, according to Zilliacus, will ‘turn Inter into a profitable club that can win the Scudetto and the Champions League every year’.

He also pledges to boost fan engagement across the globe and says that he has a plan that could earn money for supporters in the Curva Nord.

He also hints that Inter supporters could have a say in the club’s strategic plans moving forwards.

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