Zhang: ‘Scudetto? If you prepare well…’

Steven Zhang isn’t ruling out a Scudetto win for Inter – “when you prepare well, the results will follow”.

The Nerazzurri have a new Coach this season in the shape of Luciano Spalletti, and despite a slightly understated transfer campaign the owner’s son is confident about the season.

“I’m convinced this can be a good season for all of us,” Steven Zhang of Suning Group said.

“We’re waiting for the league to get underway again and we’ll get back to working hard and giving our best.

Steven Zhang isn’t ruling out a Scudetto win for Inter – “when you prepare well, the results will follow”.

The Nerazzurri have a new Coach this season in the shape of Luciano Spalletti, and despite a slightly understated transfer campaign the owner’s son is confident about the season.

“I’m convinced this can be a good season for all of us,” Steven Zhang of Suning Group said.

“We’re waiting for the league to get underway again and we’ll get back to working hard and giving our best.

“There’s great passion and energy in our group. You see a special spirit when there’s a football club among your interests.

“Everyone pulls in the same direction, there’s an emotional engagement. We really like the work we’re taking forward with Inter.

“The Scudetto? It’s too early to say, but we’ll see. When you prepare well, the results will come.”