Zhang delighted with Inter progress

Inter director Steven Zhang has hailed Luciano Spalletti’s work as Coach and believes “this team deserve to return to Europe.”

Friday’s shareholders’ meeting saw Inter post improved numbers in their financial statement for 2016-17 and satisfy Financial Fair Play regulations, prompting Zhang to take solace from the club’s choice of hashtag.

Inter director Steven Zhang has hailed Luciano Spalletti’s work as Coach and believes “this team deserve to return to Europe.”

Friday’s shareholders’ meeting saw Inter post improved numbers in their financial statement for 2016-17 and satisfy Financial Fair Play regulations, prompting Zhang to take solace from the club’s choice of hashtag.

“We launched the #InterIsComing hashtag in the summer, which was a courageous choice because we had to be sure that we’d actually return,” he said afterwards via Gazzetta dello Sport.

“For now, the fans are finding that those words have been reflected. Spalletti? I thank him and his staff for the excellent work they did over the summer.

“This team deserve to return to Europe, we want to achieve this objective as soon as possible.

“Gradually the results will come, we want to make Inter a healthy and strong club and we’ll do our utmost to make that happen.”