Zeman: Too many foreigners

Zdenek Zeman says that whilst prospective FIGC President Carlo Tavecchio’s words were ‘inappropriate’, he also says that they were ‘in essence, right’.

Zdenek Zeman says that whilst prospective FIGC President Carlo Tavecchio’s words were ‘inappropriate’, he also says that they were ‘in essence, right’.

Tavecchio has come under fire for racist comments made over the weekend when expressing an opinion on foreign players in Italian football.

Cagliari’s new Coach preparing with the team this pre-season is another to have considered the debate surrounding Tavecchio.

“It was inappropriate and cannot be censored,” Zeman began in the Gazzetta dello Sport today.

“However, removing the form, in essence he is right. One of the great evils of Italian football is the presence of too many foreigners.

“We need to return to focus on our youth. The problem is not the people, but the programs. We need a profound change. But for a period of just two years, what can Tavecchio or another do?

“Today, especially in Italy, the Coaches count for little. And this is one of the causes of our struggles on show.

“Coaches with no technical experience are assigned high-level teams. It’s wrong. You need to serve apprenticeships before getting to certain benches. That is how it was for my generation.”

The 67-year-old considered his return to management this summer and why he has yet to try out work with a national team.

“I am good and I’m happy only in the middle of the field, to coach. For this season, I have already refused to be a CT of a country. Much less as behind a desk, with duties as a supervisor. Why Cagliari? Because this is a new club made up of honest people, who wanted to focus around me. This is more than enough to start a new adventure. [New Cagliari President Tommaso] Giulini has great enthusiasm and good ideas.”