Zaniolo preparing deposition in betting investigation

Italy and Aston Villa forward Nicolò Zaniolo reportedly held a meeting with his lawyers today, preparing to give his deposition to the prosecutors in the betting investigation.

While Juventus midfielder Nicolò Fagioli and Newcastle United star Sandro Tonali have already met with the prosecutors, both of the FIGC investigation and the civil courts, Zaniolo has not been in as much of a rush to get his version on record.

Unlike the other two players, who have confessed to suffering from gambling addiction and betting on football matches, Zaniolo’s position so far has been that he only gambled on blackjack and poker.

According to La Gazzetta dello Sport, yesterday lawyers Gianluca Tognozzi and Antonio Conte met with agent Claudio Vigorelli in Rome.

Also speaking via video conference call were Zaniolo and his parents, Francesca Costa and former Genoa striker Igor Zaniolo.

It is suggested that the first contact with the Turin public prosecutor could be today, working out some dates where the Aston Villa player can attend in person to give his deposition.

If he denies betting on football and evidence is found to the contrary, he would face a much harsher punishment than Tonali and Fagioli, who collaborated fully with investigators to work out a plea bargain.