Zanetti on Inter interest in Zirkzee and Lukaku disappointment

Inter vice president Javier Zanetti reflected on the Scudetto winning season, if he forgives Romelu Lukaku and his appreciation of Bologna’s Joshua Zirkzee.

The Nerazzurri have been dominant in Serie A this term under Simone Inzaghi, cruising to the league title after shaking off brief title challenges from Milan and Juventus earlier in the season. Their victory earnt the club the second Scudetto star on their shirts, an important and historic honour.

Inter are now gearing up for the 2024-25 season, where they’ll look to defend their title, carry out unfinished business in the Champions League and put together a strong run in the revamped Club World Cup, looking to the transfer market for some key reinforcements.

Zanetti reflections on Inter

Speaking to Radio Serie A via TMW, Zanetti first discussed the qualities of Hakan Calhanoglu.

“Great, he has personality and is a real driving force. Hakan is one of those who deserved to win the league in this way.”

He spoke about Henrikh Mkhitaryan.

“A thinking player, he is the brain of the team. You don’t have to explain anything to him, he knows everything.”

The Inter vice president had high praise for Alessandro Bastoni.

“Extraordinary season, as a true leader and driving force, defensively and offensively. Always at the service of the team.”

Zanetti commented on the work of Federico Dimarco.

“A child’s dream. He grew up with us, he left and now he’s back as a man. You could see his Inter-ism throughout the season.”

He was asked if he’d forgiven Lukaku following the chaos of last summer.

“I don’t know if the right word is forgive. We were disappointed above all because of the timing and because he wasn’t clear from the beginning. However, I wish him a great career.”

The Inter vice president spoke about Steven Zhang.

“We missed him physically, but only physically. We are always in touch. He was happy, he really wanted to be here.”

Zanetti touched on how this cycle at Inter can continue.

“We must remain competitive in all events. The objective for next year is already clear, to defend the second star and perhaps go further in the Champions League.

“Then there will also be the Club World Cup, a very important competition. We will need a broad roster to face all these commitments.”

He was asked if Zirkzee was a target for the summer.

“Zirkzee is a great champion. We are talking about a young, talented, intelligent, physically very strong player.

“Someone like that would be useful to any great team aiming for important goals. If an important opportunity presents itself, maybe we can think about it.”

The Inter vice president was asked about the new contracts for Lautaro Martinez and Nicolo Barella.

“Lautaro and Barella will certainly renew. Both on our part and on their part, there is maximum predisposition to continue working together.”

Zanetti spoke about the club’s Champions League exit this term.

“The Champions League is a very difficult competition, made up of details. We must have great respect for every opponent.

“It should’ve gone differently against Atletico, which is unfortunate because in the two matches we had many opportunities to score the goal that would have seen us through.”

Finally, Zanetti discussed the importance of the Club World Cup.

“This competition is prestigious, with many teams. The fact of participating is already something that makes us proud. We want to be protagonists at the Club World Cup too.”