Zamparini: TV dictates us

Maurizio Zamparini has weighed in on the fixture-rescheduling debate sweeping Serie A as a result of midweek postponements.

Maurizio Zamparini has weighed in on the fixture-rescheduling debate sweeping Serie A as a result of midweek postponements.

The FIGC and Players Association (AIC) have both advocated that the quickest step to be taken to avoid a repeat of Week 21’s four postponements would be to reorganise the fixture schedule.

Meanwhile, the Lega Serie A are also reportedly considering moving all kick-offs this weekend to 3pm Italian time in order to alleviate immediate pressure.

However, Palermo President Zamparini suggests debate is only being had because of Milan’s involvement.

 “Return to just Sunday matches because the weather is too cold? Absurd. They are only talking about it because Milan have asked,” said the Udine-born businessman, in relation to the fact Adriano Galliani has requested that Milan’s fixture with Napoli be postponed.

Weather forecasts predict temperatures on Sunday evening at San Siro to go no higher than minus 8.

“Had Atalanta [Palermo’s visitors on Sunday] asked to cancel our game, nobody would have spoken about it. Since it is Milan, at least half the country is listening, that’s what annoys me.”

Even so, Zamparini does agree with Galliani.

“We must avoid avoid playing in the evening and plan winter games for the afternoon. It makes no difference to me if we plan these things at the start of the season or we change according to the conditions.

“I must say, also, that in recent years things have improved. I remember games being played on ice without much complaint.

“Playing games in August? You’ll have to see if the corporations want us to play football in August.

“TV dictates where and when we all play, besides it is what they pay for television rights that keeps money coming into the game…”