Zamparini sorry to see Pastore go

Maurizio Zamparini is “satisfied in economic terms,” but would've liked to keep Javier Pastore at Palermo, he said of the €43m sale to PSG.

The deal was struck at around midnight and should be completed on Monday when the Argentine flies in to sign the contract.

Maurizio Zamparini is “satisfied in economic terms,” but would've liked to keep Javier Pastore at Palermo, he said of the €43m sale to PSG.

The deal was struck at around midnight and should be completed on Monday when the Argentine flies in to sign the contract.

“I would've liked to keep Pastore at Palermo, but with those figures, it was impossible,” President Zamparini told Sky Sport Italia.

“Am I satisfied? In economic terms yes, but in football and personal terms no. You can't have everything.

"I already promised to come see him play in Paris, as watching Pastore in action is always a pleasure.

“The sum we earned from this transfer will allow us to strengthen the squad even more, balance the books which are already looking healthy and create an ever stronger Palermo."

The Rosanero also sold goalkeeper Salvatore Sirigu to Paris Saint-Germain this week.