Zamparini on the death of his son: ‘He had no health problems’

Former Palermo President Maurizio Zamparini spoke after the death of his son Armando, who was found lifeless in London. ‘He had no health problems, he didn’t answer my text on Thursday’.

Armando, the youngest of Zamparini’s five children, was found dead in a hotel room and Maurizio revealed it was the day before he was starting a new job.

The 23-year-old stayed in London for his studies and the former Rosanero patron explained he never replied to a text on Thursday.

“Armandino died just the day before he started working in a large company, here in London,” Zamparini told La Repubblica.

“I had sent him a message on Thursday, the day before: ‘Good luck!’. He never replied.

“He had no health problems, I can’t explain this tragedy.”

Palermo sent a message with their condolences to the former President.

Former Palermo patron Zamparini’s son Armando dead at 23