Zampa: ‘Sannino not at risk, but…’

Palermo President Maurizio Zamparini said their performances “looked like a Serie B team,” but insists Giuseppe Sannino is not at risk.

Palermo President Maurizio Zamparini said their performances “looked like a Serie B team,” but insists Giuseppe Sannino is not at risk.

The trigger-happy patron is expected to consider his options after Palermo’s worst start since the return to Serie A, notching up two defeats, conceding six goals and failing to score any.

“I am certain we’ll emerge from this situation,” Zamparini told the Corriere del Mezzogiorno newspaper.

“I really trust my director Perinetti, even if I don’t agree with him when he said there was progress between the defeats to Napoli and Palermo. The team was empty and had no ideas.

“Sannino? He is my Coach and is not at risk, but the Palermo we saw in the first two rounds looked like a Serie B team.

“Let’s allow Sannino to work calmly, as so far he has not turned the squad at his disposal into a real team. I am sure we will soon see the fruits of that labour on the field.”

Cracks emerged straight after the 3-0 defeat to Lazio on Sunday when Zamparini told journalists “Sannino needs to focus more on the players with great technique.”

The Coach responded to the criticism by noting: “If you only use technical players, you won’t get anywhere. I need to find balance.”