Palermo President Maurizio Zamparini discusses Stefano Sorrentino and Davide Ballardini – “they don’t love each other…”
Coach Ballardini was sacked earlier this season after spectacularly falling-out with the squad, with Sorrentino declaring on television that “the team played basically by itself” in a win over Verona.
Palermo President Maurizio Zamparini discusses Stefano Sorrentino and Davide Ballardini – “they don’t love each other…”
Coach Ballardini was sacked earlier this season after spectacularly falling-out with the squad, with Sorrentino declaring on television that “the team played basically by itself” in a win over Verona.
With the tactician having been brought back this week, it's not clear how the pair will work together until the end of the season.
“Everything is sorted, as happens between a husband and wife,” Zamparini told Rai.
“There were mistakes on both sides, but it’s normal. We all make mistakes in life, but we shouldn’t be put on trial or killed for it.
“They certainly don’t love each other, but that’s not what I’m asking for. The important thing is that they fight for the same cause.”