Zac experienced Japan quake

Japan Coach Alberto Zaccheroni described his terror during the earthquake. “It was like being on a bouncy castle. Everything was swaying.”

The country was hit by an earthquake that at 8.9 on the Richter scale is one of the six strongest of all time.

“I heard strange noises, then saw that everything was swaying,” manager of the Japan football team Zaccheroni told Ansa.

“It was like being on a bouncy castle. I didn't know what earthquakes felt like before, but unfortunately I do now.

Japan Coach Alberto Zaccheroni described his terror during the earthquake. “It was like being on a bouncy castle. Everything was swaying.”

The country was hit by an earthquake that at 8.9 on the Richter scale is one of the six strongest of all time.

“I heard strange noises, then saw that everything was swaying,” manager of the Japan football team Zaccheroni told Ansa.

“It was like being on a bouncy castle. I didn't know what earthquakes felt like before, but unfortunately I do now.

“Furniture came down, including a wardrobe with all the drawers flying across the room.

“Then we all went down to the street, but even then the concrete was moving beneath our feet.”

Juventus captain Alessandro Del Piero also gave a message to his Japanese fans on Facebook.

“I know Japan well and am tied to that country for many reasons, its people always showing great affection.

“What happened today really struck me. I am close to the Japanese people and those who are suffering at this time.”