Zac: ‘Benitez right man at wrong time’

Alberto Zaccheroni claims Rafa Benitez was “the right man at the wrong time” on the Inter bench.

Zac has a history in charge of both the Nerazzurri and Juventus, so was asked by RAI Sport to comment on why the Spaniard had failed so miserably.

“Benitez is in fact a Coach who has always been inspired by the Italian football tradition.

“He was the right man at the wrong time for Inter, both because of the numerous injuries that occurred during his tenure and following on from Jose Mourinho, who did extraordinary things.”

Alberto Zaccheroni claims Rafa Benitez was “the right man at the wrong time” on the Inter bench.

Zac has a history in charge of both the Nerazzurri and Juventus, so was asked by RAI Sport to comment on why the Spaniard had failed so miserably.

“Benitez is in fact a Coach who has always been inspired by the Italian football tradition.

“He was the right man at the wrong time for Inter, both because of the numerous injuries that occurred during his tenure and following on from Jose Mourinho, who did extraordinary things.”

Zaccheroni has just won the Asian Cup at the helm of Japan.