There were some calls for Juventus midfielder Fabio Miretti to receive a straight red card during the first half of their game with Lecce.

It was only 12 minutes in at the Stadio Via del Mare when Miretti went in late and very high on the back of Remi Oudin’s shin.

The referee opted for a yellow card and VAR did not intervene to suggest an on-field review for a potential red card.

According to DAZN refereeing expert and former official Luca Marelli, this was the correct decision.

Although the foot was certainly high from Miretti, there are two main reasons why it was not worthy of a dismissal or VAR review.

The first is that he moved rather slowly into the tackle, so without the ferocity to truly do damage.

The other was the fact Miretti’s leg was bent, so if it had been held straight, that would’ve been considered again more intentional and forceful.

Instead, he was trying to pull out when realising he’d gone in too late.

Sky Sport Italia refereeing expert Gianpaolo Calvarese also agrees that it was a risky tackle, but without the intensity required to warrant a red card.

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