Why Juventus still risk missing out on Champions League qualification

Juventus may have been given back their 15 points, at least temporarily, but the Old Lady are still at risk of missing out on next season’s Champions League.

La Gazzetta dello Sport details how the Bianconeri’s appeal to CONI’s Collegio di Garanzia was partially successful, as now they’ve been temporarily handed back the 15 points ahead of a third sporting trial for alleged capital gains offences.

Juventus are now waiting to hear CONI’s reasons behind their decision, which could take up to 30 days, before a new FIGC trial takes place. This could happen before the end of May, with the goal being to have a definitive verdict before the end of the season on June 4.

Although Juventus have been given back the 15 points, the FIGC will still look to punish the club in their third sporting trial with a new point penalty, wanting to warn against this behaviour with a clear punishment.

The Bianconeri’s lawyers could ask the Court of Appeal to move the punishment to next season in a possible plea bargain, something that is within the regulations, but the FIGC would prefer a penalty for this season.