After a disappointing exit from EURO 2024 at the round of 16 stage, Italy and CT Luciano Spalletti could make wholesale changes heading into Nations League fixtures in September and the World Cup qualifiers in 2025. 

Spalletti said in his press conference on Sunday, after Italy’s elimination, that he intends to lower the average age of his playing squad, which means a few senior members of the EUROs squad could be cut in order to make way for fresh faces. 

Those at risk of being dropped in the next squad include 32-year-old Arsenal midfielder Jorginho, 31-year-old Roma winger Stephan El Shaarawy and 34-year-old Inter defender Matteo Darmian, according to Monday’s print edition of La Gazzetta dello Sport. 

There are also a handful of players whose Italy futures hang in the balance after the disappointment of EURO 2024, including Roma pair Bryan Cristante and Gianluca Mancini, as well as Napoli captain Giovanni Di Lorenzo, who struggled particularly in the 1-0 group stage loss to Spain. 

Which players could Spalletti call up for Italy after EURO 2024 exit

There is, however, a longlist of players who are ready to come in and make an impact on Spalletti’s squad. Some of the more obvious examples include Newcastle’s Sandro Tonali, who will be available after his season-long suspension at the end of August, eight days before Italy’s next scheduled fixture against France in the Nations League. 

Other players who have already experienced life in the senior national team and who could make a return include Juventus midfielder Manuel Locatelli, Galatasaray’s Nicolo Zaniolo and Atalanta defender Giorgio Scalvini, who only missed out on EURO 2024 through a late injury. 

La Gazzetta dello Sport also points to a handful of youngsters who are ready and available for selection. They include Tottenham full-back Destiny Udogie, another EURO injury absentee, as well as Fiorentina right-back Michael Kayode, Bologna midfielder Giovanni Fabbian and Napoli’s Gianluca Gaetano, who spent the second half of the season on loan with Cagliari

Four more youngsters are also in the conversation, but may still need a little longer to establish themselves in their respective first teams at club level. Those include Milan’s Primavera sensation Francesco Camarda, Chelsea-owned Cesare Casadei, 18-year-old Simone Pafundi and Empoli midfielder Jacopo Fazzini. 

19 thought on “All changes Italy could make for Nations League and World Cup qualifiers”
  1. These changes are not enough! There should be rules changed in the league! 5 Italians in the field all times! Enough with this development of foreign players, let’s develop our own!

  2. Absolutely agree with Steve, there should be a minimum of 5-6 Italians on the field at all times, on each team. The clubs are to blame and need to start looking at themselves, and at Atalanta as an example.

  3. They must start with younger manager first
    The current manager is expired and it shouldn’t be any future with him

  4. Yo, stop whinning too much, Italian fans. No need to be so dramatic. As a neutral fan of Euro 24, it’s safe to say that Italian NT in this tournament is actually full of talented players. The problem is your coach Spalletti. He’s clueless dinosaur that reminds me of Allegri. He’s an old school which has no football identity. Now, It’s so clear the only reason he got scudetto with Napoli is because other teams are in crisis and meanwhile, Napoli team has been compact and solid (thanks to Sarri) and they’re full of hunger and so much revenge to win it that time.

  5. Where is the character? We have good players but no leader (Chiellini, Bonucci, Baresi, Maldini etc). A midfield artist (Pirlo, etc) and finally someone who can score goals. Three players, where are they? I agree we have to get the teams to put more emphasis on Italian players and give more games to our very talented under 17’s and 20’s. The future can be brighter but it takes courage from Serie A and Spalletti.

  6. these changes dont mean nothing the op 5 7 leagues full pf italan youth this will never happen sit on the bench and dont play old story doesmt change excepit we are not don yet more to come

  7. Moving on from locatelli and zaniola. I prefer pafundi, ceser Casedi, Camarda.These youngsters should be given chance. Sick of di lorenzo cristante n mancini.

  8. People are out of their minds calling for Camarda. The boy is only 16. He can’t even compete in Serie A yet. His time will come but for God’s sake leave him alone for now.

  9. Italy u17 and u18 and u20 are winners and runner up in euro and world cup why their players aren’t in their first teams? Camarda should play in serie A liberalli too Pafundi too casadei in chelsea should play or serie A ,

  10. The five Italians per squad is never going to happen. There are international rules in place that don’t allow it.

  11. Changing players wholesale is not going to work. They need to develop a team spirit and things will improve.
    Yes choosing the right players is also important but how they work together is the most important factor. Look how a below average team like Slovinia played together.
    The coach and all levels of football management are to blame here, come on guys wake up and get back to the glory days.

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