West Ham fans cause Biraghi to bleed with thrown objects in Conference League final

Fiorentina captain Cristiano Biraghi was left with blood pouring from his scalp after being hit by a cup thrown by West Ham fans during their Conference League final.

In the 34th minute of the match, the 30-year-old Italian full back walked over to take a corner and was struck by multiple plastic cups, thrown by a number of unruly Hammers supporters.

Whilst this had been happening for the majority of the match to that point, this incident was the worst yet.

One plastic cup struck Biraghi directly on the back of the head and caused a small gash on his scalp, leading blood to pour down the back of his head. The match was paused so the Fiorentina captain could receive treatment.

Some West Ham players attempted to calm down the unruly supporters and a stadium announcement was made, warning the fans to stop the childish behaviour.

Cups were also thrown at Nicolas Gonzalez during one of his ventures forward and the winger responded by jokingly taking a swig.