The Mauro Icardi saga would appear to be over, because his wife and agent Wanda Nara released a statement confirming they had signed divorce papers, but have now ‘freely chosen each other again.’

The Paris Saint-Germain striker met Wanda when he was teammates with her then-husband, Maxi Lopez, as they were both forwards at Sampdoria.

Ever since, their love affair has been played out in the media and by themselves via social media, so their divorce was going to be no different, and the same goes for their reconciliation.

It’s not clear what this coming back together will mean, or how long it will last, but a divorce and Icardi needing to hire a new agent would’ve inevitably boosted his prospects of returning to Serie A for Juventus.

The ex-Inter hitman had unfollowed everyone on Instagram, including his wife, but today Wanda Nara posted a new message suggesting they have put the crisis behind them.

“The photos that I have been uploading in recent months show how good we were and how happy we were,” she wrote.

“I was very hurt by what happened. Every day I asked Mauro for a divorce. When he realized that there was no going back, he told me that we could not continue like this, that if parting was the only way to end so much pain, then we should do it.

“We went to the lawyer. In two days Mauro accepted all the conditions and we signed the Agreement. The next day he wrote me a letter like no one had ever written to me: ‘I gave you everything and you have everything, I hope you can be happy because that would make me happy.’

“And there I realized something: that having everything, I have nothing if I am not with him. I am sure that this bad moment that we are going through will strengthen us as a couple and as a family.

“The important thing is that we both had the freedom to put an end to our 8-year history, but with our soul tired of crying, we freely chose each other again. I love you Mauro Icardi.”


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17 thought on “Wanda: ‘Icardi signed divorce papers, but we’re back together’”
  1. You surely do have nothing without him certainly not a career and would fade away like millions of other instagram models. She’s shrewd i’ll giver her that, if not disgusting.

  2. Wow. Wanda translation: You’re my paycheck, what would I do without you. These people suck.

  3. I dont understand why this guy is being linked to Juve. we already had Ronaldo and finally got rid of him. now Chiellini can give trouble to anyone no exceptions. no slackers. pls Wanda stay with Icardi in Paris. Torino is so boring for you guys

  4. I was really nervous about the divorce. I cannot express my heartfelt relief that these classy lovebirds have amicably reunited. There is still love in the world.

  5. icardi wanda and juve is fit perfectly. juve need media attention to pressure referee and get favorable decision. and they like drama like this. perfecto!

  6. @InterFan75… Icardi is an attention seeker and she learned a lot from Wanda during these years. So no, we don’t want him and I don’t think he wants that either. He just want to join Juve to get his revenge from Inter. That’s all about himself, always, nothing else.

    @Vero Rossonero…. haha, exactly.

  7. Pay attention to how many gos inter scored with Icardi vs without. Any club that leads their attack with Icardi will struggle to score goals overall. Great finisher, but poor footballer

  8. “It’s not clear what this coming back together will mean …”

    I’ll tell you what it means:

    That Wanda (a Wife and mother of 3 at the time if I’m not mistaken) cheated on bed husband and left him for one of his “friends”. Made a fra more kids with the new “husband” and when karma came, she wanted the devil(money and fame) more than ethics (which she already lost, remember, Maxi?)

    This is your role model in the so called Western world.

  9. “It’s not clear what this coming back together will mean …”

    I’ll tell you what it means:

    That Wanda (a Wife and mother of 3 at the time if I’m not mistaken) cheated on her husband and left him for one of his “friends”. Made a few more kids with the new “husband” and when karma came, she wanted the devil(money and fame) more than ethics (which she already lost, remember, Maxi?)

    This is your role model in the so called Western world.

  10. So if Wanda is the “agent” of said player making lets say 20% commission, but if she divorced said player wouldn’t she make 50% of his earnings….

    Forgot while still married pockets the 20% for herself, spends his 80%. “Coming back together” makes sense now.

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