Vieri: ‘Lukaku and Dzeko devastating’

Christian Vieri believes Romelu Lukaku and Edin Dzeko can make a “devastating” impact at Inter, but Mauro Icardi “needs to play for the team more.”

The now retired hitman spoke to La Gazzetta dello Sport about the current Calcio scene and his old club Inter, who are revamping under new Coach Antonio Conte.

It’s widely reported the Nerazzurri are trying to bring in Lukaku from Manchester United and Roma’s Dzeko.

Christian Vieri believes Romelu Lukaku and Edin Dzeko can make a “devastating” impact at Inter, but Mauro Icardi “needs to play for the team more.”

The now retired hitman spoke to La Gazzetta dello Sport about the current Calcio scene and his old club Inter, who are revamping under new Coach Antonio Conte.

It’s widely reported the Nerazzurri are trying to bring in Lukaku from Manchester United and Roma’s Dzeko.

“I believe Dzeko is the most complete striker in Italy. He is strong physically, has technique, good in the air, can shoot with both feet. He scores goals and helps his teammates to get on target too.

“It’s a pity he is already 33 years old, because watching him is spectacular. The Nerazzurri would make an amazing step up in quality by signing Dzeko. He is someone who really makes the difference and on his day can take any defence for a ride.

“In comparison, Icardi is a phenomenal finisher, but he needs to play more with the team. It’s not really in his characteristics, but he ought to help out more.”

Another centre-forward believed to be on his way to Inter is Lukaku, the Belgium international who underperformed at Manchester United.

“I like Lukaku, but someone like that ought to be scoring 30 goals per season. He has such extraordinary capabilities, he’s a real beast in the box. He has to let it all out and show his talent consistently,” added Vieri.

“I have heard talk of Lukaku going to Inter and I think he’d be devastating there.”

Luciano Spalletti was dismissed to make way for Conte and challenge the Juventus hegemony after eight years.

“There’s no point talking about the Scudetto right now, as first they need to recover some lost ground. The Nerazzurri ownership are certainly showing their ambition by bringing in a top Coach like Conte and his appointment is a clear message.

“Inter are doing everything right and will achieve the maximum targets with time, but cannot think of overturning the hierarchy from one day to the next.

“I have enormous affection for Spalletti, he’s a great Coach, took Inter in a disastrous situation and for two years in a row qualified for the Champions League.”