Video: Torino-Modena friendly descends into riot

A summer ‘friendly’ match between Torino and Modena descended into a riot this afternoon when police battled back both sets of fans, objects were thrown and racist chants were aimed at coach Ivan Juric.

The game was played at the Pinzolo training ground in the Tyrol region and was meant to be a pre-season friendly test for the Serie A and B sides.

The situation started badly with racist chants from Modena fans towards Toro coach Juric.

Toro supporters then threw a firework into the sector of Modena fans, they in turn threw objects across to the other side and eventually the Granata ultras smashed down a barrier, prompting an intervention by riot police.

Torino won the match 2-1 with goals from Nemanja Radonjic and Raoul Bellanova.