Fikayo Tomori and Rafael Leao got a round of applause from their Milan teammates during this morning’s training session at Milanello.

The Rossoneri are preparing for a Europa League knockout playoff tie against Rennes and saw Tomori return to group training on Wednesday.

As reported by Daniele Longo, the English centre-back was welcomed by a round of applause from his teammates.

The former Chelsea defender has been out of action since the end of December with a hamstring injury.

Rafael Leao received the same reception as he recently launched his first book in Italy called ‘Smile.’

One thought on “Video: Milan players react as Tomori returns to group training and Leao launches his book”
  1. I bet Leao ‘s book is a riveting life changing tome of wisdom and knowledge …. LOL
    Most achieve some form of success before arrogantly penning an autobiography , this guy is 24 years old!

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