Olivier Giroud sits down with Zlatan Ibrahimovic and reveals what the Swede told him the day he arrived at Milan in 2021. ‘There is only one king.’

The pair were teammates during the Scudetto-winning campaign, where they both proved decisive on and off the pitch.

Now that Ibra is retired and acting as an official advisor to the Rossoneri, while Giroud is heading off to LAFC, the pair caught up for a Canal+ documentary.

“Do you remember the first time I arrived at Milan what you told me? ‘There is only one king in Milan and it is me!’

“I loved it because it was you, even if I’d never spoken to you before, I felt like yes, it’s him, and it’s a nice welcome.”

Ibrahimovic also confessed that he was glad to see Giroud arrive from Chelsea, even though some doubted that two such veteran strikers could still deliver.

“When you came in the picture I was very happy, because I know the experience you have, you won big trophies. We needed some kind of experienced leader that could lead the way. I said just be you and the team will follow you.

“I said wherever he went, he won. It doesn’t matter how he won, he won. He has this mentality in him.”

Giroud will be among the Milan players saluting the fans for the last time at San Siro in this evening’s Serie A match against Salernitana.

Canal+ documentary on Giroud

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