Video: Don’t challenge Mihajlovic

Bologna coach Sinisa Mihajlovic proved he’s still got the best left foot in the business, even decades after retirement, by winning the basketball hoop challenge in one go.

The most prolific free kick scorer in Serie A history is now a coach, recovered from leukaemia and is over 50, but when given a challenge to chip a football into a basketball hoop from a distance, he is unbeatable.

Mihajlovic was given the challenge on Instagram by a young Bologna fan and pointed out the obvious: “You picked the wrong man to challenge.”

Bologna coach Sinisa Mihajlovic proved he’s still got the best left foot in the business, even decades after retirement, by winning the basketball hoop challenge in one go.

The most prolific free kick scorer in Serie A history is now a coach, recovered from leukaemia and is over 50, but when given a challenge to chip a football into a basketball hoop from a distance, he is unbeatable.

Mihajlovic was given the challenge on Instagram by a young Bologna fan and pointed out the obvious: “You picked the wrong man to challenge.”

Little Tommaso needed three attempts, Mihajlovic got it first time.

“I don’t need three, just one.”