Vidal knee flare-up for Chile

Bad news for Juventus” data-scaytid=”1″>Juventus, as Chile Coach Jorge Sampaoli warned Arturo Vidal “has pain in his knee tendon.”

The midfielder played the full 90 minutes last night when Chile beat Peru 3-0 in a friendly.

“Arturo finished the game with pain in his knee tendon and we’ll see what to do after tests,” Sampaoli told reporters.

Bad news for Juventus, as Chile Coach Jorge Sampaoli warned Arturo Vidal “has pain in his knee tendon.”

The midfielder played the full 90 minutes last night when Chile beat Peru 3-0 in a friendly.

“Arturo finished the game with pain in his knee tendon and we’ll see what to do after tests,” Sampaoli told reporters.

It is therefore likely Vidal will be sent home rather than play in Tuesday’s game against Bolivia.

“Peru did not come here to play a friendly, as it was a tough and intense match.”

Inter midfielder Gary Medel came off even worse, as he was elbowed in the face and lost two teeth.