Vidal ‘happy to stay’ but…

As Arturo Vidal apparently tells Juventus” data-scaytid=”1″>Juventus he’s happy if he stays, his agent arrives in Italy amid reports from Chile of a verbal agreement with Manchester United.

As Arturo Vidal apparently tells Juventus he’s happy if he stays, his agent arrives in Italy amid reports from Chile of a verbal agreement with Manchester United.

The Chilean reportedly met with Beppe Marotta and Max Allegri upon his return to pre-season training at Vinovo on Monday, amid continued links with a move to United.

Tuttosport report that that 27-year-old used the meeting to tell the club he is ‘happy to stay at Juventus’, if a move to England or anywhere else fails to materialise, whilst Marotta did indicate yesterday that Juve intend not to sell him.

The Turin publication suggest that the situation is now in the hands of Vidal’s agent, Fernando Felicevich, who will also reportedly meet with Marotta to discuss the player’s position and if offers worth considering are to come in.

Sky Sport Italia say Felicevich has arrived in the peninsula but back Tuttosport’s assertion that for now there are no concrete offers on the table for Vidal.

United are speculated, though, as preparing a €45m offer for the Chile international, whilst Chilean publication El Mercurio report that the player actually already had a verbal agreement in place with Louis van Gaal’s team.