President Maurizio Setti says sporting success “always comes after balancing the books” meaning “Verona won’t do what Parma did”.

The Butei are 19th in Serie A, five points adrift of safety, but the patron is willing to go down as long as the financial health of the club is secure.

“Sporting results will always come after balancing the books,” Setti told Corriere di Verona.

President Maurizio Setti says sporting success “always comes after balancing the books” meaning “Verona won’t do what Parma did”.

The Butei are 19th in Serie A, five points adrift of safety, but the patron is willing to go down as long as the financial health of the club is secure.

“Sporting results will always come after balancing the books,” Setti told Corriere di Verona.

“It’s better to be in Serie B than to stay in Serie A and go bankrupt. Verona won’t do what Parma and other clubs did, creating a financial bubble which burst.

“We’ve paid all of our VAT, as well as other taxes and contributions.

“We were going to collapse in 2015. Sean Sogliano is the sporting director with whom I had the most immediate rapport, I really like him, but he’s also someone who spends a lot, he takes players who then don't do much.

“Marquinho cost €800,000 in wages plus €200,000 to take him on loan from Roma. So, in fact, using him in 2014 cost us €400,000 per game. I could go on.

“The season after that was a miserable one. [Giampaolo] Pazzini got injured and [Luca] Toni had already injured himself, as had others.

“In the past I delegated too much, and for that reason I now don’t let anyone complete signings, only I have that power.

“It’s up to me to control it, I decide what we spend. We had reached a point where Hellas was paying €38m for players on a turnover which could reach €48m at best. Unsustainable.”


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