Ventura sneaks out of Milan hotel

Giampiero Ventura reportedly left Italy’s hotel in Milan by the back door, and won’t be present at an FIGC meeting in Rome tomorrow.

The Azzurri CT is certain to lose his job after failing to qualify for the World Cup for the first time since 1958.

Last night’s 0-0 draw with Sweden, coupled with a 1-0 loss in the first leg, condemned the national team to miss out for the first time in 60 years.

According to Sky, Ventura left by the back exit of the team hotel in Milan, leaving in a car without speaking to any media.

Giampiero Ventura reportedly left Italy’s hotel in Milan by the back door, and won’t be present at an FIGC meeting in Rome tomorrow.

The Azzurri CT is certain to lose his job after failing to qualify for the World Cup for the first time since 1958.

Last night’s 0-0 draw with Sweden, coupled with a 1-0 loss in the first leg, condemned the national team to miss out for the first time in 60 years.

According to Sky, Ventura left by the back exit of the team hotel in Milan, leaving in a car without speaking to any media.

A meeting of the FIGC will be held in Rome tomorrow, and it’s thought the CT will not be present, indicating he will indeed be sacked.