Ventura set for Italy talks

Giampiero Ventura will reportedly meet with FIGC President Carlo Tavecchio today about succeeding Antonio Conte as Italy Coach.

According to Il Corriere dello Sport, Ventura will agree a two-year contract worth €3m with the FIGC and bring with him former Torino assistant Salvatore Sullo, plus coaches Alessandro Innocenti and Giuseppe Zinetti.

Giampiero Ventura will reportedly meet with FIGC President Carlo Tavecchio today about succeeding Antonio Conte as Italy Coach.

According to Il Corriere dello Sport, Ventura will agree a two-year contract worth €3m with the FIGC and bring with him former Torino assistant Salvatore Sullo, plus coaches Alessandro Innocenti and Giuseppe Zinetti.

The 68-year-old, who got married last weekend, will also be in the proximity of Marcello Lippi, who has yet to be confirmed as Italy’s new technical director but has already commenced work, when he travels to Rome for talks.

Il Corriere adds many of the agreements are already in place after several conversations between the three men, and his appointment is expected to made official on June 7, with his unveiling not until after Euro 2016.

Tavecchio’s initial shortlist contained the likes of Luciano Spalletti, Carlo Ancelotti, Giovanni Trapattoni and 2006 World Cup winner Fabio Grosso, before he whittled down to three names – Ventura, Vincenzo Montella and Gianni De Blasi.