Ventura: ‘Ferocious desire at Chievo’

Giampiero Ventura felt Italy’s World Cup exit was “imponderable” and now has “a ferocious desire to prove myself” at Chievo.

This is his first job since Italy failed to qualify for the 2018 World Cup, losing the play-off to Sweden in November 2017, and he replaces sacked Lorenzo D’Anna.

“The problem wasn’t saying yes to Chievo, but returning to the field in a very difficult challenge,” 70-year-old Ventura told Sky Sport Italia.

Giampiero Ventura felt Italy’s World Cup exit was “imponderable” and now has “a ferocious desire to prove myself” at Chievo.

This is his first job since Italy failed to qualify for the 2018 World Cup, losing the play-off to Sweden in November 2017, and he replaces sacked Lorenzo D’Anna.

“The problem wasn’t saying yes to Chievo, but returning to the field in a very difficult challenge,” 70-year-old Ventura told Sky Sport Italia.

“I have a ferocious desire to prove myself again. I live this moment with the enthusiasm of a child. We’ve got to work hard and be aware of what we can achieve. The players are eager and that is the only way to remain in Serie A.

"We have a three-point penalty and must therefore climb this mountain together to achieve the extraordinary.

“I just arrived, we’re having our first training sessions and Serie A has changed since I last worked at club level, so we’re updating our knowledge.”

Inevitably, Ventura was asked about his spell on the bench of the Nazionale.

“I bring with me the regret for what we could’ve done and it was not possible to do. After our first defeat, following eight wins and two draws, something imponderable happened. The rest is history.”