Updates provided on proposed Milan stadium in San Donato 

A recent update has indicated that Milan are still very much pushing forwards with their plans to erect a new stadium in the municipality of San Donato, despite concerns from local residents in the area. 

On Thursday, Sportlifecity, who own the land on which the stadium is supposed to be built, presented the necessary documents to the local authorities to build the new stadium and facilities in San Donato, specifically in the area of San Francesco. 

108,000 m² have been set aside for the development, which will include a 70,000 all-seated stadium as well as a hotel, restaurants and other required amenities. 

According to details from Calciomercato.com, the area currently is in an overgrown, dilapidated state, with reports of fly tipping and drug dealing, however the new project promises to completely transform the surrounding area.  

As per Calciomercatp’s report, the municipal administration of San Donato is ready to push forwards with their plans for the new ground and have hired qualified consultants to evaluate the feasibility of the project. 

After their assessment, an information-gathering campaign will be launched, with local residents set to be quizzed over their specific concerns, as there are still plenty in the area who oppose the new stadium being built. 

One of the main causes for concern is that parts of the land sit on the site of an ancient village and abbey. 

This could cause issues as a Nature Restoration Law has recently been passed across Europe, which intends to protect sites of significance and natural ecosystems. A new stadium would likely do the opposite.