Unions together against pay cuts

The Associations of Players, Coaches and Lega Pro (Serie C) have made a joint commitment to resist forced pay cuts during the coronavirus pandemic.

A conference call was organised yesterday afternoon between the AIC (Players’ Association), AIAC (Coaches Association) and Lega Pro (Serie C clubs) to discuss the situation.

While the top clubs in Serie A might be able to afford cutting salaries to their more famous players, such a move would be disastrous for many in the lower tiers of the sport, who rely on the wage for their livelihood.

The Associations of Players, Coaches and Lega Pro (Serie C) have made a joint commitment to resist forced pay cuts during the coronavirus pandemic.

A conference call was organised yesterday afternoon between the AIC (Players’ Association), AIAC (Coaches Association) and Lega Pro (Serie C clubs) to discuss the situation.

While the top clubs in Serie A might be able to afford cutting salaries to their more famous players, such a move would be disastrous for many in the lower tiers of the sport, who rely on the wage for their livelihood.

A joint statement was released by the three unions, agreeing that “we are ready to save the current system, but also and above all else look to the medium-long-term, when the damage from the COVID-19 crisis will truly become evident.

“We have taken on the joint pledge to protect those whose salary is under €50,000 per year, those who have been hit worst by the crisis, aware of the sensibility that the Federation and other areas of the sport have for this level.

“This is why we launch an appeal to the Government to rapidly intervene by allowing help for those players who earn under €50,000 per year and introduce ad hoc instruments to allow the clubs to cover the lack of liquidity during this crisis.”

The Lega Serie A and AIC failed to agree on a blanket approach to the pay cuts, so now clubs are negotiating individually with their squads.