UNESCO condemn Matuidi racism

The French sports minister and the UNESCO director general condemn “in the strongest possible terms” the racism suffered by Juventus midfielder Blaise Matuidi.

The former Paris Saint-Germain man revealed on Saturday night that he had suffered racist abuse from the Cagliari supporters during the Bianconeri’s 1-0 win.

The French sports minister and the UNESCO director general condemn “in the strongest possible terms” the racism suffered by Juventus midfielder Blaise Matuidi.

The former Paris Saint-Germain man revealed on Saturday night that he had suffered racist abuse from the Cagliari supporters during the Bianconeri’s 1-0 win.

While the Isolani have apologised unreservedly, for which Matuidi thanked them, but it’s far from the first incident of this kind in Serie A.

“Racism has no place in sport, on or off the pitch,” a joint statement from UNESCO’s Audrey Azoulay and French sports minister Laura Flessel reads.

“We condemn in the strongest possible terms the racist insults suffered by Blaise Matuidi, a player for Juventus and the French national team.

“We condemn all racist acts which disturb too many sporting events around the world, sport must be a vector for transcendence, mutual understanding and tolerance.

“There is no justification for hijacking it to stir hatred, discrimination and rejection.

“We are not born racist, we become that way. Sport and football, which is followed by millions of people, must project the best of ourselves, and must teach tolerance and respect.

“We call on all political and sporting leaders to join forces for this great cause.”

Since 2014, Juventus and UNESCO have been working on join initiatives to combat racism, including the ‘Colour? What colour?’ report published in 2015.