Udinese goalkeeper writes to Maignan after racist fan identified

While at least one supporter has been successfully identified and banned already, Udinese goalkeeper Marco Silvestri sent a message to Mike Maignan after the Milan star was racially abused.

The incidents at the Bluenergy Stadium sent shockwaves through the football world, as referee Fabio Maresca had to suspend play for five minutes due to repeated racist chants and gestures towards Maignan.

The threat of abandoning the match completely was the only thing that stopped them continuing, but Udinese and local authorities have now been able to identify the first of the circa dozen fans who were responsible for the abuse.

It was achieved thanks to both camera footage inside the stadium and also social media videos that were posted after the game.

He has been given the maximum five-year Daspo – a ban on all sporting events – and Udinese pledged to bar him from ever entering their stadium again.

The individual is a 46-year-old who was already known to police and was seen repeating the racist insult at least 12 times.

Meanwhile, Udinese goalkeeper Silvestri sent an open letter to Maignan on social media.

“Dear Mike, I write to you as a colleague, but above all as a human being. It is not the first time this has happened, but ALL TOGETHER we must ensure it is the last.

“This cannot happen in our stadium, it should not happen in any stadium, in any place. We all raise our voices: NO TO RACISM!

“I write to you to say that I have defended the Udinese goal for three years and feel the need also to defend this city, this club and these fans. I defend those who truly love football.

“Respect and education are part of our values, and our squad is a symbol of integration. The people of this city are far more than a few cretins who loudly shout stupid words so they can advertise their ignorance and bring shame on the fanbase.

“Dear Mike… stay strong! With respect and affection for a colleague and above all for a fellow human being. Marco.”