The Russian invasion of Ukraine is a sensitive subject for many in the Serie A world and coaches Ivan Juric, Igor Tudor and Sinisa Mihajlovic all had poignant comments on the war.

The trio are all from the Balkans, with Juric and Tudor both from Croatia and Mihajlovic from Serbia. The region was heavily affected by fighting during the 1990s and the memories of those terrible years have not been forgotten by any who experienced them. The Russian invasion of Ukraine is re-awakening these feelings and they’ve now become a common discussion.

Juric discussed the situation in a press conference yesterday, highlighting his feelings on the war.

“In Croatia we know what it means to be attacked by the strongest, they slaughtered us but then we took ours back. Poland’s decision is right, but the decisions around are too mild for what is happening.

“On all levels, you have to react with more energy, these are terrible things, we have suffered them and I know how they feel. We have to do our utmost to stop them or to force them to stop.”

Tudor’s words in a press conference were a little less strong than his Torino counterparts.

“I experienced the war first-hand as a boy. It lasted a long time, and the world stood by and watched. I hope it ends soon. It’s not possible to talk about war again, it can’t happen today.”

Finally, Mihajlovic gave his insightful views on the situation following Bologna’s 1-1 draw with Salernitana. He was previously moved to tears when discussing the situation earlier this week.

“When there are matches, you focus on that and forget what’s outside. Once the game is over, it becomes hard to deal with. Fortunately I’m not directly involved, but when I watch TV it brings back the emotions of 30 years ago in my country.

“The bombings were the first news, then gradually they became less important because we got used to them. It doesn’t have to be like that today. We all have to contribute, but not just for a few days.

“Fortunately only a few people know what war is. Then there are less fortunate people, like me or the Ukrainians, who will remember it as long as they live.

“You have to make young people understand what war is, but especially politicians, because they are the ones who do things. All wars are the same and no war has a winner, only innocent people who die.”

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