‘Try for Banega renewal, but…”

Sevilla President Jose Castro Carmona says he’ll ‘try to renew Ever Banega’s contract’ but if he goes to Inter it’s ‘not the end of the world’.

The Argentina international triggered a one-year extension clause in his contract this weekend by making his 30th appearance of the season.

However, reports today suggested that the Nerazzurri could still complete the signing of the midfielder if he pays a penalty fine.

Sevilla President Jose Castro Carmona says he’ll ‘try to renew Ever Banega’s contract’ but if he goes to Inter it’s ‘not the end of the world’.

The Argentina international triggered a one-year extension clause in his contract this weekend by making his 30th appearance of the season.

However, reports today suggested that the Nerazzurri could still complete the signing of the midfielder if he pays a penalty fine.

“We’ll try to renew Banega’s contract, but if he leaves we’ll sign another player, then another and another,” Carmona told Mucho Deporte.

“Like when Rakitic left, it wasn’t the end of the world because we then signed Banega.

“This is our model. It works, the important thing is to guarantee a replacement and we can count on the best in the world for this, with (sporting director) Monchi.”