Trapattoni: ‘Impressed by Napoli’

Giovanni Trapattoni “admires” Napoli and their Coach Maurizio Sarri – “they have a very nice style”.

The Partenopei lost 1-0 at Juventus Stadium last weekend, with the Bianconeri leapfrogging them in the process.

However, Trap – a Juventus legend – is still impressed with the Vesuviani’s efforts so far this term.

“Napoli have a very nice style,” Trapattoni noted on Radio Crc.

Giovanni Trapattoni “admires” Napoli and their Coach Maurizio Sarri – “they have a very nice style”.

The Partenopei lost 1-0 at Juventus Stadium last weekend, with the Bianconeri leapfrogging them in the process.

However, Trap – a Juventus legend – is still impressed with the Vesuviani’s efforts so far this term.

“Napoli have a very nice style,” Trapattoni noted on Radio Crc.

“They create a lot of chances, but if you don’t score it’s inevitable you’ll be criticised. That’s football. In my career I’ve learned that it’s important to look at the result, not the spectacle.

“In February you usually pay for the effort you’ve put in during the first half of the year, but I admire Napoli and Sarri.

“The psychological aspect shouldn’t be underestimated, the team is going through a delicate period, but they can aim high and get to where they deserve to be.

“Now is when the League comes alive, there’s still time to reach the Scudetto because everything is still open despite the result at Juventus Stadium.”