Totti: ‘Napoli over Juventus’

Francesco Totti would “prefer Napoli” over Juventus for the Scudetto, but hopes they draw tomorrow so Roma can get closer.

The Giallorossi legend retired at the end of last season, but he’s still working with the club and is keeping a close eye on the Scudetto race.

“There are three or four teams on the same level, but Juve always have something more,” Totti admitted, speaking to Corriere della Sera.

Francesco Totti would “prefer Napoli” over Juventus for the Scudetto, but hopes they draw tomorrow so Roma can get closer.

The Giallorossi legend retired at the end of last season, but he’s still working with the club and is keeping a close eye on the Scudetto race.

“There are three or four teams on the same level, but Juve always have something more,” Totti admitted, speaking to Corriere della Sera.

“Napoli are the most beautiful team to watch, they can win the Scudetto if they don’t have too many injuries. I hope it’s a draw tomorrow though, so we can take points off both!

“If Roma can’t win the Scudetto? I’d prefer Napoli, in Turin they’ll be tired of celebrating. In Naples they’d live on that for 100 years. I’d like a Scudetto for the south.

Inter? Eh… no, to Inter, no.”