Francesco Totti confirms he’s also signed up for six years as Roma’s technical director.

The Giallorossi captain has signed a new one-year contract with the club, and will retire at the end of next season before taking up an off-pitch role.

“I’m very happy, because after this year as a player I have another six years as a director,” Totti revealed on Roma TV.

Francesco Totti confirms he’s also signed up for six years as Roma’s technical director.

The Giallorossi captain has signed a new one-year contract with the club, and will retire at the end of next season before taking up an off-pitch role.

“I’m very happy, because after this year as a player I have another six years as a director,” Totti revealed on Roma TV.

“As I’ve always said to the President [James Pallotta] and the club, I’d prefer to have a very specific role as technical director. They’ve agreed and I’m very grateful.”

Er Pupone then looked ahead to what will be his final season on the pitch, and was asked if he had a message for the fans.

“There’s not much more to say, I’ve had 25 years of big displays of affection – I’ve said it all and more. I’ve always shown great love for them, and it’s a mutual thing.

“The Curva Sud? For everyone – me, the squad, the club – I really hope they’ll return and take their place as soon as possible, because with them behind us we could give 101 per cent more.

“Without them it makes it a bit more difficult for everyone. I hope I can spend my last year with them and we can celebrate together.

“I hope I can win my second Scudetto with Roma.

“We believe. It’s normal that you make tables and odds at the start of the season and everything seems easier.

“We have the highest ambitions, but we know that there’s a team in Juventus who are stronger than everyone.

“Speaking with the President today though, he assured me that he’ll make a great Roma and I told him I’ll at least have the chance of winning a second Scudetto.

“Now I’ll enjoy the holidays and this blessed contract, then when I return I’ll be focused on the new season, as I’ve always been.”

Finally, the captain was asked about the Stadio della Roma project.

“People are waiting for it all over the city and beyond,” Totti noted.

“It will be a beautiful stadium, a stadium of our own where we can do great things. Hopefully we can get it done as soon as possible and stay there for life.”


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