Tottenham unlikely to sign Dybala

Paulo Dybala is very unlikely to join Tottenham Hotspur or Manchester United, claim Sky Sport Italia, so if he does leave Juventus, it’ll be for PSG.

Juve have been trying to push La Joya out of the squad this summer, but he is steadfastly refusing to let go of his spot in Turin.

Today Sky Sport Italia reported that Tottenham Hotspur had made a €70m proposal for Dybala, which the Bianconeri accepted.

Paulo Dybala is very unlikely to join Tottenham Hotspur or Manchester United, claim Sky Sport Italia, so if he does leave Juventus, it’ll be for PSG.

Juve have been trying to push La Joya out of the squad this summer, but he is steadfastly refusing to let go of his spot in Turin.

Today Sky Sport Italia reported that Tottenham Hotspur had made a €70m proposal for Dybala, which the Bianconeri accepted.

However, just as with Manchester United, Dybala has no intention of making it easy and it’s extremely unlikely he’ll be able to work out personal terms.

The Premier League transfer deadline is on Thursday at 17.00 UK time and Dybala has many issues to be worked out, including the potential €40m legal action over image rights from his former agents, who are suing him for breach of contract.

Spurs put a lot of importance on image rights, so would not be able to whittle down those contractual details in such a short space of time.

It all points towards Paris Saint-Germain, who have been biding their time as they wait for the Premier League window to close.