Tottenham hire new CFO to fill void left by Paratici

Tottenham have announced the hiring of Scott Munn as their new Chief Football Officer, effectively replacing Fabio Paratici.

The 50-year-old Italian director was forced to take an immediate leave of absence last week after his 30-month ban from football, handed to him in January by the FIGC court, was extended by FIFA worldwide.

Paratici was banned for his role in Juventus’ financial mismanagement, allegedly inflating player transfer values to falsify capital gains. His, and the Old Lady’s appeal at large, will be heard by CONI’s Collegio di Garanzia on April 19.

Tottenham announced today that Munn has now joined the club’s board of directors and become the new Chief Football Officer, being the effective replacement for Paratici, whose official job title was Managing Director of Football.

The Athletic journalist David Ornstein suggests that Munn’s appointment is unrelated to Paratici, and that the Italian would work under the CFO should he return to the club following a successful appeal.