Sandro Tonali’s agent, Giuseppe Riso, was unwilling to provide any concrete updates on his client’s potential switch from Milan to Newcastle when speaking to reporters on Wednesday afternoon. 

Riso has had a busy few days, after Newcastle lodged an offer to Milan for the service of Tonali, whilst back in Italy, a meeting took place between Juventus and Sassuolo over a potential transfer for midfielder Davide Fratessi, whom he also represents. 

When asked about his clients’ potential moves by journalists after the conclusion of the meeting between Juve and Sassuolo, Riso was unwilling to discuss the rumours surrounding Tonali and an imminent move to the North East of England. 

“I came to talk about Frattesi,” he said, when Tonali was brought up in conversations. 

Discussing Frattesi’s situation and the enquiries from Juventus, Riso said: “We talked a bit to understand the possibilities and alternatives, how to move forward with negotiations.”

The Bianconeri are far from being the only interested party in Frattesi, with Inter, Milan and Roma also keen on the 23-year-old Italy international. 

When asked about the four aforementioned teams, Riso added: “Let’s say that they are all more or less at the same point, perhaps one is slightly further ahead.”

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