Today’s Papers – UEFA exclude Juve, Napoli breakfast of champions, Roma slip

Gazzetta dello Sport

Euroban for Juve

UEFA prepare to exclude them from cup competition

Nyon carrying on investigation parallel to the FIGC: anti-sporting conduct could cost them disqualification for one year

Milan and Inter hunt for the Azzurri

Super derby on the transfer market too

Pioli likes Baldanzi, Retegui for Inzaghi

The race is already on

Ibra KO again, but he wants to continue

Swede’s contract is due to expire

Onana towards Chelsea in exchange for Kepa plus cash

Tomorrow meeting for the goalkeeper

Atalanta show, Roma slip

Gasp for the Champions League

Mou, alarm over Dybala injury

Giallorossi beaten 3-1 amid errors and injuries

Cannavaro in love: ‘Napoli, let’s not wait another 30 years for the next Scudetto’

A city is celebrating, including the Ballon d’Or winner

Corriere dello Sport

Breakfast of champions

Scudetto on the way after 33 years: a night of fireworks

Napoli carried home in triumph: 10,000 singing at Capodichino

Extraordinary welcome at the airport

Players and fans united in the same song: ‘We will win the tricolore’

Roma hit the brakes in Champions league race

Atalanta stalls Mourinho: 3-1

Ferlaino: ‘Maradona was decisive from up there again’

President of the first two Scudetto victories: ‘Spalletti and Giuntoli phenomenal’

Lukaku, more controversy over celebrations

Coppa Italia, tomorrow Inter-Juve

Allegri: ‘We’re up for the Scudetto’

After the pardon, new AIA President Pacifici lunges in: ‘Anyone who silences the crowd will be booked’

Then telephone call with the FIGC and back pedal: not in case of reaction to racist chants


Gravina, and now what?

Federal President must prove he is not just looking after Lukaku

There are 171 banning orders for racist chants: Juve pay, others still do not

AIA also causes problems

The new chief of referees embarrasses FIGC after the pardon: ‘We will continue to book that type of celebration’

More rows over Juve-Napoli: VAR should not have intervened!

Lukaku is fired up and Bremer can’t wait

Coppa Italia: tomorrow Inter-Juve for the Final

The victory in Empoli tempts Inzaghi: Belgian with Lautaro

Allegri raises the Brazilian wall: muscular issue is behind him, rest with Napoli was to have him in top condition


Dybala, another KO

Roma crumble in Bergamo: 3-1

Gasp at -4 from the Champions League places

Ankle injury for La Joya, Mourinho loses Llorente too

Tottenham, Stellini out too

The Conte gang has vanished

Paratici followed out the door

Siena controversy delays Serie C playoffs to May 11

Playout at risk too

April 25, from Toro to the battle for liberty

Partisan stories in the Granata jersey

Today the Fila is open, on May 4 it will be Buongiorno who reads the names at Superga