Gazzetta dello Sport

Thuram, yes to Inter

Transfer derby, what a turnaround

Hitman stolen from the Diavolo

Defender Azpilicueta snapped up too

Onana-United, over 50m


Offer to Lukaku, thinking of Morata

And Frattesi…

The clash continues


ADL tells PSG: he is worth 180m (like Mbappé)

Napoli’s gold

Weah Jr

A joker in the pack for Max

Striker, wide man and trequartista

Juve and their new arrival

Lecco controversy

Here is why they need to stay in Serie B

Stadium issue

Corriere dello Sport

Inter coup, Thuram arrives

Milan pipped to the post: striker chooses Zhang’s offer

Rossoneri snubbed, now they try to win the derby for Frattesi

Contract to 2028 for the Frenchman, who will earn 5.5m per season

Furlani blitz for the Sassuolo midfielder: long meeting with Carnevali

Osimhen-Napoli, the pact

What a party in Nigeria for the centre-forward while De Laurentiis meets his agent: sold only for 150m

Working on a contract renewal

They’re coming to get us

Premier League and Arabian clubs hunting for Serie A big stars

Newcastle don’t stop at Tonali: they want Chiesa and Hernandez too

Ronaldo’s Al-Nassr prepare decisive relaunch for Brozovic

United-Onana deal worth 60m

UEFA embarrassed, VAR returns

U21 Euros: Clumsy backpedalling after Italy damaged

Scandalous errors against the Azzurrini and Nyon admit their mistake: yes to technology from the quarter-finals


‘Juve, with Weah you’ll be flying again’

‘Fast, technical, versatile: he can be the new Cuadrado’

Damiani, agent to Big George, tells all about Timothy

‘He knows how to dominate both flanks and is strong in the one-on-one: he will just need to adapt to the tactical requirements of Italian football. And he’s got the right attitude, with that father…’

Milan, another slap: Thuram picks Inter!

Incredible overtake at the photofinish: Inzaghi has the substitute for Dzeko

After selling Tonali, the Rossoneri lose the derby for the striker, so now it’s all in for Frattesi and Samardzic

Azpilicueta joins the Nerazzurri too

Toro, Pereyra is warming up

He won’t renew with Udinese, Granata in the running

Secrets of Cataldi, the new goalkeeping coach

Cairo to the fans: ‘Never thought of selling’

VAR from the quarter-finals

Italy were the guinea pigs: Thanks, UEFA!

Under-21 Euros, adding insult to injury

Attempts to plug the holes after absurd refereeing that allowed France to win

Malago protests too

‘I was a lifeguard and an amulet for Ancelotti’

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