Today’s Papers: The Final Derby, Pogba shouldn’t go on holiday

La Gazzetta dello Sport

Champions League: InterMilan – final round

The derby of derbies

Everything about the night that leads to Istanbul and changes the future. The Nerazzuri start with a 2-0 win. Milan with Leao for the comeback.

Is Rafa enough? Only if the devil is a team

Rich and proud, Milan collects many other records

The huge salary ties Pogba down (even if he’s broken)

Il Corriere dello Sport

Spalletti leaves shadows over his future

Lucio challenges DeLa: ‘Say if I stay’

The coach received the Bulgarelli award: ‘The club must speak, Napoli has taught me how to celebrate’

Champions, Inter-Milan is worth a season: Final or flop


Inzaghi: ‘It’s wrong to manage the 2-0.’ Pioli: ‘I believe in the achievement’

Lukaku out: here’s Dzeko again close to Lautaro: Micky one yellow card away from suspension. Leao recovers. Krunic in midfield and record income. On the pitch at 21:00. Tomorrow City-Real

Totti to Roma: ‘Keep Mou’

‘Pogba needed Milik’s technique’

Doctor Ciatti: ‘Muscle issues cause by the knee. The Pole had a surgery that solves everything’


Drama ‘Octopus’: the doctor reproaches him and gives him tips

‘Pogba, don’t go on holiday’

Tencone, former Juventus doctor: ‘Chain effect from the knee. If he had undergone surgery…Paul must begin a personalized program, he can’t wait until July’

So much love from fans in Turin

‘Fagioli, you are all of us. Now do it again in Sevilla’

Final derby: ref controversy

Inzaghi irritates Milan: ‘The referee is a French, like four Rossoneri. Krunic should have been sent off in the first leg.’ Pioli: ‘I don’t like to talk in advance.’ Tension Zhang-Cardinale

Vlasic, Torino ask for a discount to West Ham

Cairo doesn’t want to spend more than €9m. Pecci: ‘Juric is improving, Ilic is strong. Buongiorno excites me, but more than finishing 8th, growing in everything is what’s needed’