Today’s Papers – Mixed Super League reactions in Italy

La Gazzetta dello Sport

European football approves the Super League, football doesn’t

Super League: a wall of no

The project: 64 clubs in three leagues with all the games free to watch on TV. The English Government stands against it

UEFA: ‘Football is not for sale’ Tebas (Liga): ‘Nothing will change for at least 100 years’

Easy fixture list. Milan try but Pioli needs more goals from Leao

Inter, ahead with reinforcements: green light from Buchanan. Juventus must accelerate to secure Phillips

Il Corriere dello Sport


Epic ruling from the ECJ: FIFA and UEFA lose the monopoly of world football

Christmas’ bang

Green light to the Super League: revolution

Format with 64 games, for free and on TV. Infantino, Ceferin and Gravina in rebellion. No from Roma and Inter, controversy in England

De Laurentiis: ‘Let’s do an élite league now’

Ibra pushes Milan in Salerno

Leao to start in attack with Giroud and Pulisic. Lazio seek redemption in Empoli. Sarri and Lotito: ‘Like a Final.’ Kamada favourite over Luis Alberto. Fiorentina in Monza without Quarta and Bonaventura


Historic: the ECJ opens to the Super League

All free

Tough ruling on UEFA: ‘Illegal monopoly, they can’t sanction who wants to organise other leagues.’ Now the Super League must convince the other clubs and with the Platform Unify, they offer games for free

Zirkzee, the first on Juventus’ list

He’s been on the Bianconeri’s radars for a long time, before his magic touches against Inter. €40m clause, possible deal in the summer as long as a big striker leaves. Dusan’s issue and Milan’s competition.

Cairo meets Juric, studies on the future

Shirt to the coach for 100 games in charge of Toro: transfer and not only on the menu

Lautaro stop, no Lecce

Race against the clock with Buchanan. Man City’s offer is ready