Today’s Papers – Milan break Roma, Mou freefall, Juve prefer Koopmeiners

Gazzetta dello Sport

Diavolo, you are here

Milan break Roma, Champions League surge

Adli-Giroud-Theo: Mou future at risk

Pioli locks down third place

Olivier: ‘And if those in front slip up…’

Thuram: Inter, I will take care of it

The Frenchman has never missed a beat against the other Supercoppa opponents and on Friday there’s Lazio

Djaló: Juve, I am on my way

Defender arrives for his medical

Coach Fonseca: ‘Ready for Allegri, he is fast and can mark too’

Phenomenal Italians

Jannik bodes well in Australia, Carletto is always Real

Ancelotti thanks Vinicus and wins the Spanish Supercup: 26th trophy as a coach

Corriere dello Sport

Mou pitch black

Milan beat a half-sized Roma 3-1

Pioli locks down third place, Jose is still waiting for reinforcements

Adli breaks the deadlock after 11 minutes, Giroud doubles up

Paredes (penalty) closes the gap, but Theo for the third

Portuguese coach in a total emergency situation: transfer market is static and yesterday eight absentees

But the Champions League zone is only at -5

FantaLautaro, record-setting pace

Inter, the hitman’s golden year

He has 18 Serie A goals, targeting the record set by Higuain and Immobile (36)

Now dreams of a Supercoppa as captain

Osi, immediately a goal

DeLa buys

Napoli already in Saudi Arabia

Victor is not enough, Nigeria held to a draw

Not just Traore, the club wants to sign a defender and two midfielders

Sarri, it is a Champions League boost

Lazio beat Lecce (1-0) and climb to within a point of fourth place

Felipe goal, fourth consecutive league win, Napoli and Bologna overtaken

KO in Cagliari (1-2) against Ranieri and Fiorentina held 2-2 by Udinese

Ancelotti fairytale: another triumph

Real Madrid flatten Barcelona (4-1) with a Vinicius hat-trick

Carlo’s 11th trophy in Madrid


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Henderson? No, Koopmeiners!

Allegri is not convinced by the Englishman straight away: he prefers Juve to target Atalanta’s Dutchman in June

Bianconeri give up on loan for the ex-Liverpool man, who is running away from Saudi Arabia: technical and contractual issues

The big coup for the midfield in summer RoboKoop is worth a maxi-investment: he brings quantity, quality and goals

Tomorrow Djaló in Turin

Bernardeschi a last-minute option remains open

Faith in recovering Rabiot against Sassuolo

Milan, the right boost

Mou in freefall

Cardinale and Ibra speech to the team: 3-1

Adli-Giroud-Theo: Pioli can breathe

Roma do not get back on their feet after the Coppa Italia derby: Friedkin reflecting

Radonjic blocks the Toro market

Juric asks to raise the bar, but…

He is the only one who can bring fresh resources for reinforcements: Vagnati wants 3m from Monza

Pellegri, Karamoh, Seck and Soppy problems

‘Supercoppa in Arabia? Take the money and run’

From Thursday the Final Four kicks off and Sarri protests

‘We are going begging around the world: if this is modern football, I am glad to be old-fashioned’

Meanwhile Riyadh enjoys the Real Madrid celebration: 4-1 against Barca