Today’s Papers – Milan bow to Diaz, Tottenham tamed

Gazzetta dello Sport

Milan bow to Diaz

Champions League, Tottenham tamed: 1-0

Great night at San Siro

Spaniard scores and a super defence: March 8 in London for a place in the quarter-final

Conte’s compliments

Bayern conquer Paris (1-0)

Inzaghi struggling, the fans attack and Inter are worried

Today summit at Appiano

Salernitana surprise, Sousa to replace Nicola

Portuguese coach with an option for another two years

Allegri mission, new Juve era starts in Europe

Tomorrow against Nantes

Napoli and the miracle of the +15, we explain how it came about

The leaders with a record gap at the top

Corriere dello Sport

God bless Diaz

Champions League reignites the Champions of Italy: quarter-finals within reach

Brahim batters them down, Milan beat Tottenham and can dream (1-0)

Rossoneri score after seven minutes, then raise the wall

Conte surrenders

Pioli pride: ‘We are back’

Bayern win away to PSG: 0-1

‘Napoli 99.46% sure of winning’

Scudetto, Opta analysis

Statistical study has crushing data: Inzaghi has 0.50% probability and Rossoneri 0.02%

Inter to Barella: enough dramatics

Row with Lukaku rumbles on

Attitude was too obvious: club asks for a change of attitude

Salerno turning point, here is Paulo Sousa

It’s over with Nicola

Portuguese already in the city today to sign

Montella at Trigoria to help Turkey: agreement with Roma


Danilo and the old faithful

Brazilian renews, here is who will remain with him at Juve, no matter what happens…

In his interview with Tuttosport, the centre-back had announced the imminent signature

From Chiesa to Locatelli, from Milik to Pogba, the other Bianconeri who don’t fear the verdict

Capital gains and those Gravina doubts

Champions League

Diaz, the diving header of the Diavolo

Conte on the ground

A tough Milan takes the first leg against Tottenham (1-0)

Record revenue at San Siro (over €9m), but insults towards Conte during the minute’s silence

Donnarumma howler, Coman goal and Bayern win in Paris (0-1)

Toro-Ilic, the derby mission begins

Serbian talent accelerates towards recovery

He will test his condition against Cremonese with a view to Juve

Miranchuk: negotiations intensify with Atalanta for the purchase

Barella tense, Inter intervene: no more dramatics!

After the row with Lukaku

Salernitana crisis, there’s Paulo Sousa for the relaunch

Nicola sacked