Today’s Papers – Juve, arrivederci Europe, Italy and Turkey Euro 2023

Gazzetta dello Sport

Juve, arrivederci Europe

UEFA sentence, a year without cups

Violation of Financial Fair Play: no Conference League and immediately pay 10 million

Club will not lodge an appeal

Fiorentina take the place of the Bianconeri

Mbappe, his mother negotiates, Real asked for 250 million

PSG set the price

Italy and Turkey together, this is how Euro 2032 will be

Candidacy without rivals

Gravina: ‘Historic turning point’

Zhang votes for Balogun

The post-Lukaku

Morata idea scrapped, the American is chosen: ‘Inter for second star’

New stadium in Assago-Rozzano: exclusive negotiations with the land owners

We’re here for Musah, eighth Milan buy

Revolution in midfield

Corriere dello Sport

Juve out, Viola in

Elkann’s club penalised: no Europe for a year

UEFA sentence: Bianconeri excluded, Fiorentina in the Conference League

Violation of Financial Fair Play: as well as the suspension, a fine of between 10 and 20 million conditional on result of future balance sheets

Commisso relaunches siege on the trophy he lost on June 7

Chiesa is waiting for Lukaku

Allegri beats Milan 6-5 on penalties in the States

Mbappe: PSG asking for 250m

Message to Real

Battle continues between Nasser and the French ace, who aims to become a free agent in 2024

Scenarios of a colossal affair and Florentino’s strategy

Napoli go for Mavropanos

Hunt for Kim’s heir: Stuttgart’s Greek defender improves his odds

He costs 22 million: the German club is ready to negotiate with De Laurentiis

Milan prepare to announce the eighth signing: Musah on his way

Roma try to close on Sanches and Scamacca

Euro 2023 in Italy and Turkey

The agreement


No Europe, but in order to get it back

Juve excluded from the Conference League, but in a year…

Ferrero: ‘We accept it. Now we return to the Champions League!’

A maxi fine as well

‘No appeal. We are not guilty, but want to finish it here and focus only on our objectives on the field’

Fiorentina step in

Bravo Juve! Now there’s faith in Fede

Victory on penalties against Milan

Chiesa inspirational in first USA test, Allegri and teammates hail him: ‘He’ll give us a big hand’

Weah convincing, Pioli enjoys Leao and Reijnders

‘Cairo, make an effort’

Toro close the Pinzolo training retreat with 2-1 against Modena, Juric pushes the President

‘Good foundations, but we need three high-level additions. Without creative midfielders, we are now less strong than a year ago. I want a young Ansaldi on the left. A third striker would be useful’

Clashes and shameful chants from the Modena fans

Euro ’32 with Turkey

Italy, what an own goal!

Joint candidacy

The host cities drop from 10 to 5, plus an embarrassing union with ‘despot’ Erdogan