La Gazzetta dello Sport

Garcia distrusted

Summit with De Laurentiis, Rudi is isolated, but he stays for now. Tudor the alternative

Two reinforcements in January: Berardi and Hojbjerg

Juve, Scudetto relaunch

Elkann: ‘With Allegri, we will return to winning and live up to the past.’ Green light on the market

Inter, you need Taremi

Arna and Sanchez haven’t scored. Inzaghi wants more goals. Assault on the Iranian

Milan, Leao with Pulisic: nobody is as decisive as Pioli’s wingers

Il Corriere dello Sport

Napoli crisis, the coach is seven points below Milan and risks sacking

Garcia? Dela at a crossroads

Face to face with the coach who admits his errors. The President thinks about Conte

DeLa Jr sacks Mignani: Bari to Marino

Elkann: Juve, more trophies with Allegri

Today the party for Agnelli’s 100 years. Giuntoli: ‘We are accustomed to believing in the impossible, now we fight for the Champions League, but we go step by step.’

Fiorentina, it’s an Italian miracle

The Viola are worth the Champions. They have scored 18 goals in eight games. Impressive at the Maradona with Arthur and Bonaventura protagonists

Dybala targets Inter, only a month out

Slight tear to the collateral ligament of his knee. He won’t need to undergo surgery. He can return at the end of October or for the derby

Spalletti taunts Sarri: He must care about Italy

Preparations start for Malta and England: ‘I won’t force anyone we do things seriously here’


Elkann relaunches the new Juve in the room of trophies

‘Come on Max, win more’

Exor’s CEO in front of the 83 trophies of the museum: ‘Allegri can contribute to fill it.’ Giuntoli: ‘A coup in January? Let’s see’

Players and Cairo go to Juric: ‘We are with you’

Part of the team talks to the coach, who is obliged to change something after the break, but the President: ‘He doesn’t listen to my line-up’

Napoli, Ahi Garcia. Chaos Supercup, ADL boycotts it?

The Final 4 in Arabia is moved to the end of January. De Laurentiis thinks of saying no. Milan ready. Fiorentina, alarm security

Guardiola: ‘Football is made on the pitch, not social media’

The coach who conquered everything with City: ‘Work and passion count, not Instagram videos. Title? I’d like Sassuolo to win.’

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